CIIP Practice Exam

Step up your preparation for the CIIP certification with our specialized 50-question practice exam. Designed for those aspiring to achieve excellence in the imaging informatics professional designation, our practice test offers a realistic exam experience tailored to enhance your readiness.

The Official CIIP
Exam Structure

The CIIP exam, as outlined by the esteemed American Board of Imaging Informatics (ABII), is a comprehensive test comprising 160 questions.

These questions are meticulously divided into ten pivotal categories, ensuring a holistic assessment of your Imaging Informatics knowledge. 

Test Content Outline Breakdown:

1. Procurement (5 Questions)

2. Project Management (7 Questions)
3. Operations (16 Questions)
4. Communications (7 Questions)
5. Training and Education (5 Questions)
6. Image Management (23 Questions)
7. Information Technology (16 Questions)
8. Systems Management (20 Questions)
9. Clinical Engineering (13 Questions)
10. Medical Imaging Informatics (18 Questions)

Our Practice
Quiz Structure:

Understanding the importance of targeted practice, we've crafted a 50-question practice quiz that mirrors the official exam's structure. While it's concise, it retains the essence and rigor of the CIIP exam, ensuring you get a genuine taste of what's to come.

Our questions cover the same ten categories, but in a proportion that reflects the official exam's ratio distribution:

Practice Quiz TCO Breakdown:

1. Procurement (2 Questions)

2. Project Management (4 Questions)
3. Operations (6 Questions)
4. Communications (3 Questions)
5. Training and Education (2 Questions)
6. Image Management (9 Questions)
7. Information Technology (6 Questions)
8. Systems Management (6 Questions)
9. Clinical Engineering (5 Questions)
10. Medical Imaging Informatics (7 Questions)

Why Choose Our
Practice Quiz?

Reflective Structure:

Our quiz is designed to give you a realistic experience, closely mimicking the official CIIP exam's category distribution

Integrated LMS: 

Track your progress, identify your strengths, and work on your weaknesses with our advanced Learning Management System.

Boosted Confidence: 

Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, ensuring you walk into the CIIP exam with confidence and clarity.

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Unique Learning Paths

We guarantee you an exceptional experience with flexible learning paths and professional guidance.

Created by

Jason Nagels

Imaging Informatics Educator
Jason Nagels brings over 20 years of experience to the realm of Imaging Informatics. A respected industry leader, he currently chairs the HIMMS/SIIM Enterprise Imaging Advisory Council and is the Principal at Nagels Consulting. With numerous publications in prestigious journals and a track record of improving organizational performance, Jason is an expert in informatics, DICOM, HL7, PACS, EMR, and IHE. His dedication to sharing knowledge makes him a highly valued educator and mentor in the field.
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